AIGEA Medical has won non-diluted fundings to participate in the EPICENTRE cluster.

EPICENTRE (EmPowering Industrial eCosystems to boost clustEr facilitated greeN and digiTal tRansition in Europe) is a project funded by the Single Market Programme (SMP), call Joint Cluster Initiatives (Euroclusters) for Europe’s recovery, from the European Commission.
It aims to create new cross-sectorial value chains in Fintech, HealthCare and Agri-food.

AIGEA Medical won the 1st Open Call, and DeepMammo was selected as one of the 25 outstanding proposals to receive non-diluted fundings in support of the Health Challenge 1: Development of new digital solutions in the learning and behavioural sphere that can be used by patients and families (virtual care and new products).

We are very proud of this grant, that will give us the opportunity to collaborate over the next 4 months in a top level European team, to explore foreign markets and to execute our next milestones for the go-to-market.